Thursday, March 18, 2010


why i chose my topic "Climate Change" because its really not jus climate its about other things that connects to that.

Climate Change Reality Check

There’s a lot of talk about 2012 being the end of the world. And if it’s not 2012, it’s the swine flu.
But how will it really end? If the latest scary climate science is any indicator, it looks like humans may be to blame. We know that climate change is happening all around us, but it looks like things are changing a lot quicker than any of us expected.
climate change also connects to:

Temperatures are already on the rise
Extreme storms are becoming more frequent.
The oceans are rising
Heat waves are expected to increase
Our snow season is becoming shorter and shorter

I would like to accomplish the real facts and get people to see the real facts about climate change and tell them the importants about the climate.


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